Thursday, 17 December 2009

Jack and Jill’s parents taken to court by Health & Safety Executive

The parents of Jack and Jill appeared in court yesterday, accused of gross negligence and child neglect. Mr. Tom Thumb QC, for the prosecution, said that the injuries sustained by the children were entirely preventable. “In this tragic incident, Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.”

QC Thumb told the court that their parents failed to undertake a risk assessment or provide the children with even the most basic of safety equipment. “A hard hat would have certainly prevented Jack from sustaining cranial injuries, and the correct footwear would have stopped Jill from losing her footing.”

He added “in this day and age I find it highly suspicious that children were even sent ‘to fetch a pail of water’ when clean supplies are so readily on tap.”

“Furthermore, after his accident Jack had to trot home as fast as he could caper. And with a head injury that could have been fatal. We then learn that he went to bed and bound his head in vinegar and brown paper. At no time did the parents contact the emergency services to seek professional help and advice, the outcome could have been fatal’ Closing his remarks for the prosecution he added. ”One is bound to ask – where were the parents? These poor children had to look after themselves, despite their horrific injuries.”

Jack and Jill’s parents tried to offer a defence on the grounds that “children should be allowed to go out and play and that accidents do happen from time to time” adding "the injuries were only minor" but they were found guilty of gross neglect and jailed for life.

as told to Andy Baxter


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