As you well know, unless you’ve been in a cave for the last 48 hours, Herman Van Rompuy is now the new President of Europe. I may have given the initial impression he is a lack luster non-entity, and despite his comic-book name, his benign, and avuncular appearance when one digs around it is amazing what one comes across, Herman he may be but this Herman is no bungling comic character, far from it.
I urge you to read Paul Belien over at Brussels Journal who has personal experience of dealing with Herman Van Rompuy, and I would add he has some interesting facts about Belgium per se.
This Herman is a shrewd devious and cunning political operator. He was once, by all accounts, a human being, but has gone over to the Dark Side. Paul on his site equates him to Saruman in the Lord of the Rings.
The important point to take on board is that this is the Commission's man, you know the body of un-elected un-accountable institutions who are now running Europe. He is one of them – a man who will work assiduously for the break-up of nation states, and the promotion of a federal empire.
Herman is a Machiavellian operator, a man who has no time for nationhood or democracy, a man who once had the locks on the doors of the Belgian Parliament changed to prevent (successfully) a vote on a key political issue. Don’t misunderstand this man. He is not undemocratic – he, like the EU, is anti-democratic.
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